《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件11

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件11
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《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件11

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《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件11

课 前 预 习


1. 棍;条n._______

2. 隐藏v._________

3. 有魔力的;adj._______

4. 使激动;使兴奋v. ________

5. 物体;物品n. ________

6. 西方的;adj ___________

7. 尾巴;n. __________


8. turn into___________

9. at other times ____________

10. more that ____________

11. come out _________

12. become interested in ________

13. for the first time________

... ... ...

课 堂 小 测


1. The good news e_______ me a lot this morning.

2. At other t_______, he can make a big bloom(气球).

3. O______ upon a time, there lied an old tree.

4.Dangerous ________(物品) can not be taken onto the planes or subway trains.

5.Please h______ the medicine from kids.


1.这双鞋很紧, 不是很合脚。

The shoes are too tight. They ________ my feet quite well.


Most of us heard of this new sport ________ in that class.


The book ____________.

... ... ...

课 后 作 业


( ) 1. Who took ______ my dictionary just now?

A. away B. off C. up D. in

( ) 2. The movie was _____ funny _____ it made me laugh.

A. so; that B. very; that

C. such; that D. too; to

( ) 3. –Which T-shirt would you like to choose, the blue one or the yellow one?

–________. I like the color of green.

A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None

( ) 4. He will call you ____ he arrives.

A. in order that B. so that

C. as soon as D. even though

( ) 5. The ____ news makes everyone____.

A. excited; exciting

B. exciting; excited

C. exciting; exciting

D. excited; excited

... ... ...


1. 通过把水放在冰箱里,我们能把水变成冰。

2. 这是因为在那个时候弱者没有放弃。

3. 一来到这所城市,我便爱上了它。

4. 除非我们快一点,否则将会迟到。

5. 这是如此有趣的一个故事,每个孩子都喜欢阅读。


The mother duck had eight little yellow ducklings, but one of them was 1 the others. They called him Ugly Duckling.

“You are so ugly. You are just 2 ,” the other ducklings said. “You don’t look like us. We don’t want to play with you. ”“You have made fun of me since I was born,” the poor duckling said 3 . “You have hurt me for years! I don’t want to stay here any more. ”So he 4 and tried to find a happy place. 5 , he came to a lake. Many beautiful swans(天鹅) were there.

The Ugly Duckling swam to them.

“Hello, little one. I’ve 6 seen you before. Where are you from? ”One of the swans saw him and 7 .

“Hello, I came from a place far away. I walked a long way. Now I’m tired. Can I join you? ”

“Sure, you are welcome, my dear child, ” the swan answered. “You’re just one of us!”

The Ugly Duckling looked at himself in the clear water. Instead of an ugly duckling, he saw a 8 swan. All the other swans put their heads down in front of him.

“I couldn’t 9 there would be such happiness as this when I was an ugly duckling. ”The young and beautiful swan cried out of 10 .

( ) 1. A. the same as B. similar toC. different fromD. close to

( ) 2. A. everybody B. nobody C. somebody D. anybody

( ) 3. A. sadly B. gladlyC. carefully D. seriously

( ) 4. A. improved B. left C. dropped D. stayed

( ) 5. A. In the end B. On the endC. To the end D. By the end

( ) 6. A. ever B. never C. already D. just

( ) 7. A. said B. replied C. answered D. asked

( ) 8. A. stupid B. sick C. pretty D. colorful

( ) 8. A. imagine B. miss C. serve D. stand

( ) 10. A. kindness B. joy C. control D. sadness

... ... ...


One day a poor man was cutting up a big piece of wood near a river. Suddenly his old axe(斧头) fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then all at once a beautiful fairy came out and asked the man what the matter was.

''I have lost my axe and I can’t go on with my work," he said. "It fell into the water while I was cutting up the wood." The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked, "Is this yours?" "No," said the man.

The fairy then showed him a silver axe and asked again, "Is this yours?" "No," again answered the man. Then she showed him the old axe. "Yes, that is mine," called out the happy man.

"I know it well enough," said the fairy, "I only wanted to see if you would tell me the truth, and now I'll give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides your own one."

( ) 1. When the man was cutting up the wood, ________.

A. he fell into the water

B. his old axe fell into the water

C. he threw his old axe into water

D. a beautiful fairy fell into the water

( ) 2. The man was sad because ______.

A. he would be hungry

B. he lost his gold axe

C. he couldn’t continue his work

D. he was afraid of the fairy

( ) 3. The man didn’t take the gold and the silver axe because ______.

A. he wanted more

B. he disliked them

C. they were not his

D. he couldn’t use them

( ) 4. At the end of the story, the man could get _____ from the beautiful fairy.

A. a gold axe B. a silver axe

C. an old axe D. All of the above

... ... ...

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《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件13:

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件13 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1.带路;v______ 2.发光 v.________ 3.明亮的;adj明亮地adv.______ 4.地面n. ________ 5.场景n. ______..

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件12:

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件12 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1. 王子 n. _______ 2.夫妻;两人 n._______ 3. 金子;金币n.______ 4. 欺骗 v. ______ 5. 内衣; n ___..

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件10:

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件10 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1. 石头 n. __________ 2. 射击;发射 v.________ 3. 一点 n.________ 4. 愚蠢的 adj. _________ 5. 上..


更新时间: 2024-10-22



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《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件11